版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Sikar, Rajasthan, INDIA
UPSC GK - UPSC, SSC, RRB, IBPS, NDA 2018 is one of the best and most trending offline Test Preparation App currently in Play soter. We provide latest content for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt Job Preparation all in language. This app is useful for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, UPSC, IAS, REET, Patwar Exam, BANK PO, BANK CLERK, RAILWAYS, B.Ed. Exam, RPSC Teacher Examination,
STC Exam, Lecturer Exam, Second Grade Teacher and many other Competitive Examinations in Hindi Language.
Important General Knowledge for UPSC Exams
Important Synonyms
Indian Economy Questions
Geographical knowledge
Important Days
Books & Authors
First in the World
Worlds Highest Mountain Peaks
Inventions and Discoveries
National Emblems
Important River Valley Projects
Important Indian Town Rivers
Hill Stations India
Sanctuaries and Parks in India
Mineral Resources of India
Earth Some Important Facts
Indian States International Boundaries
Important Crops India
Kings - Queens of England & UK
Airlines of the World
Special features of country
Olympic Games
Asian Games
General Studies
Indian National Trophies
Sports Terms
Study of Science
Geographical Discoveries
Space First
First Visitor & Invader
First Expeditioner
India - Gallantry Awards
Countries & Towns Rename
Scientific Instruments
Space And Planets
A Doctor Directory
Indian National Laboratories
Abbreviated Name
Famous Rivers
Famous Lakes
Famous Waterfalls
World Newspapers
Well-known Quotations
Longest, Shortest, Deepest
Indian History & Culture
World History
Religion and Culture
Fine Arts
Electronics and Computer
Medical Science
Animals & Birds
Games & Sports
Social Sciences
Our Universe
Currencies of the World
General knowledge India
World Info(A)
World Info(B)
Trade Name
Surnames in Geography
Record-breakers Geography
General Record Breakers
Mechanical Inventions
Discoveries in Science
Important Personalities
Kings - Queens of England & UK
Independence-Days of Countries
Biggest Highest in the World
Very useful for
UPSC - GK, IAS, IPS, Civils Preparation is one of the best and most trending offline Test Preparation App currently in Hindi.We provide latest content for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt Job Preparation all in Hindi language.
UPSC Preparation-IAS,IPS,Civils is an offline app so you can download the app once and can access all the material with out internet connection.
Topics for SSC ,CGL, CHSL, Railways RRB, insurance LIC, AAO are covered
Topics for History, Computer knowledge and General Awareness , Geography are included
Prepare for Teachers exams like CTET, UPTET, MPTET, REET
GK for SSC IAS PCS UPSC IBPS app provides online Ranker Exams where users can write the exams and test their score and global rank among all the users.
It will provide real time rankings and improvements in detail where you can gain and analyze your ranking in the current competition
This feature will be help you to keep motivated and keep on preparing for final exams where you can score the best of all.
Free Educational Apps for nation
Surendra Tetarwal, Suresh Ola
Suren ICT Tech Lab
Sikar (Raj) India